Saturday, December 19, 2009

Final Post

Video Games and Virtual Reality was an online course that gave the students an opportunity to explore the virtual world from a variety of perspectives. The class gathered in Second Life, which we spent several weeks familiarizing ourselves with. One particular assignment, we had to explore the dynamics of relationships within the program. We acted as both participants/customers when we used other programs such as World of Warcraft, Runescape, Wonderland, and America's Army 3. We became creators and gained some experience in graphics modeling through programs like Google Sketchup and FaceModeler. These two roles helped us understand how the virtual world works. I have never been anything other than a customer so the opportunity to create something was something I had fun with (although quickly realized I was bad at).

We had discussions regarding the differences between certain programs. We discussed 2D vs 3D and how environments affect the immersiveness of a game. Second Life was something truly remarkable. I first approached it like a game, but quickly realized that it was a program that can be utilized for business, school, and networking. It was in essence a true extension of the user. Through this class, I can see how real life and virtual life can come together as evident in the ability to have a lecture. I realized how serious Second Life can be when I accidentally referred to it as a game while talking to a person that does business through it. To make a long story short, he was not happy.

We had in depth comparisons of Runescape, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the Rings Online. We discussed the business aspect of these programs and the work that goes into it.

Overall, the class was very enlightening and fun as I got to explore a variety of programs.

If you would like to know more about the course and the school that it is offered in, please visit or

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